Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Traditional, and Artful, Japanese Meal

The highlight of Sunday was lunch at a fancy Japanese restaurant hosted by Nagi's parents, and attended by her sister and spouse, brother & spouse & 3 kids, as well as all of us. It was an exquisite Japanese meal. We sat around a traditional low table, but thankfully with space to dangle our legs underneath. The lunch consisted of a seemingly never-ending sequence of small plates and bowls served to us, including soup, sashimi, tempura, and numerous other very artfully arranged small plates with a variety of vegetables and seafood combinations. I loved (almost) everything! There was some gift giving and appreciating. Nagi's parents do not speak English, so much translation and gesturing took place. I was sitting across from Nagi's father, who grows oranges, and he politely and helpfully gestured to help me figure out the appropriate way to eat everything. They were lovely people, we enjoyed it very much, and were grateful for the opportunity for this experience.

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